Heywood Education News is the fortnightly newsletter of Heywood Consolidated School. It is distributed electronically via Audiri or email (if requested). Hard copies can also be made available upon request. The newsletter has a Principal’s comment, articles from classes, stories or poems from students, educational information of what's happening at Heycon, Wellbeing summaries, etc. The newsletter informs parents/guardians/carers of important events and dates with a calendar regularly updated.
Facebook, Seesaw & Audiri
Our school also uses these Apps on a regular basis to provide information.
We use Facebook as a way of acknowledging amazing work, achievements and values of our students to the community.
We use Seesaw within the classroom to provide parents with evidence of classroom learning for each student. It also provides parents with an insight into their child’s classroom learning as well as specialist classes. There is also a whole school class, where photos or videos are presented from whole school events.
We strongly recommend you download the Audiri App on your phone. Audiri is used for communication between our school office and parents/carers. Our newsletter is available on here, as well as whole school notices, e.g. SRC fundraising events, Reporting Covid Cases, and general school reminders. You can also report your child’s absence, access change of details forms, notify us if your child is not on their bus, etc. It also has a school calendar on it to keep you aware of any upcoming events.
School assembly
Every Friday afternoon at 2.50pm there is a whole school assembly in the Mayapa Room. The Acknowledgement of Country and National Anthem is sung. Awards may also be handed out and other achievements recognised. Parents are always welcome to attend to share in the celebration.